Anyone who has ever been involved in an automobile collision knows, first hand, the stress and anxiety that follows. Not only must you contend with the fact of having to deal with vehicle damages, repairs and obtaining a rental vehicle, but you must also deal with the unscrupulous and often unlawful claims practices of the insurance industry. Regrettably, auto collisions also often result in injury or death. Fortunately, you do not have to go it alone. For decades, the attorneys at Simon Law Offices have represented victims of automobile collisions throughout the State of Louisiana. Unlike most law firms, when you hire Simon Law Offices you do not have to worry about anything other than attending to your injuries or to the injuries of your loved ones. The attorneys and staff members at Simon Law Offices take great pride in the fact that we do everything possible to handle all aspects of your automobile collision claims. As a result of our exemplary success over the years, most cases will settle without the necessity of even filing suit. On the other hand, if suit becomes necessary, you can rest assured that all of the resources and cutting edge technology at Simon Law Offices will be available to you and utilized to maximize your recovery and provide for the greatest opportunity for success at trial.

For years, victims faced with these problems have turned to the attorneys at Simon Law Offices to protect their legal interests. Our reputation of being successful trial attorneys is the result of the dedication to our clients, our knowledge of the law and our abilities as litigators. Our auto accident litigation practice not only includes vehicle collisions but also 18 wheeler trucking cases, truck roll-overs, ATV collisions, ATV roll-overs, highway defect and motor vehicle defect cases.

At Simon Law Offices, we have many decades of experience handling auto accident cases. Being involved in a car accident can be very traumatizing mentally and physically. Our attorneys are dedicated to helping you get through these difficult times. If you have a choice in attorneys, why not hire Simon Law Offices so that you, too, can personally reap the benefits that so many other citizens of Louisiana have come to know and expect from Simon Law Offices. Give us a call today.